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I love books about Public Relations and Marketing
"“A taxi driver with a secondhand laptop sitting in an old garage could actually become a lot more well known and tell a lot more truths than a journalist on TV.” "

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“PR is everything and everywhere. PR is the King and the Slave, the Game Changer and the Boss, the revolution! Indeed, the Global PR Revolution!” "

Тhe Global PR Revolution, by Maxim Behar 

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“Up until ten years ago, freedom of speech was primarily in the realm of the professional journalists; but today, with well over three billion users of various social media, freedom of speech has grown into entirely different dimensions.” "

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“Close to four billion human beings plugged into social media
might be difficult to absorb, but its implications for everything, PR included, are way more profound than the impressive number itself.” "

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“Yet, at the end of the day, if TV cameras are brought under control, and the traditional media and even online media are under excessive pressure, social media cannot be controlled. This is where the true leaders of speech and communication emerge nowadays.”

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“Freedom of speech is priceless to me. So is the freedom of expres- sion of thoughts and beliefs as an expression of yourself, the free- dom of showing that you are different, the freedom of being the force motivating people around you, and the freedom of being motivated by the successes of others.” "

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com
"“The PR environment has been changing like a taximeter on a high-speed highway, and I could hardly fix the price—not the finan- cial one, but the creative and the communications one. It had been changing literally every week, day, and hour.” "

Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

Source: http://www.globalprbook.com

The Global PR Revolution - I wish this was my university book!

I get very excited when I find a book about business that excites me a lot. Recently, I read the Global PR Revolution by Maxim Behar and I sincerely recommend it to everyone in the business. I am a professional in PR and Marketing now over 8 years and I am very happy i finally get to see the whole process of the PR from the time before i even thought about PR to nowadays, gets insights form other 100 PR experts from over 65 countries worldwide. A book for every business. Make sure to check it out.